3d printer: Inductive sensor

Inductive sensor を購入し、z endstopの代わりに使用を検討。
結果:OK。なのでz endstopの代わりに使用できそうだ。


I bought an inductive sensor (LJ12A3-4-Z/BX) to be replaced the z-end stop.
Then checked it out if it works like what I want it to do.
Wiring is the following. I used 33kohm and 22kohn to dived 12V.
I check if it can send signal 5V on-off to an arduino's degital I/O pin. As the result, it looks OK so this configuration can work as an alternatives.
Working distance of the sensor is a few mm.

PNP type might good for my case. Is the above wiring wired? Check it out here. There is good figures.